Cover art

Asobi and the Full Glass of Water
by Ramona Caprariu

A tale about a cat and a full glass of water...

Cover art

The Rivers End
by Ethan Nguyen

This is for school dont read

Cover art

Category is: Fashionable Felines
by Emma Price

CRWR 213: Find out which Halloween costume to get for your furry friend!

Trabajo en equipo
by Alberto Mora Sánchez

Una manera de identificar los roles con los que los alumnos y alumnas se ven dentro de un hipotético grupo de trabajo.

Cover art

A Magical Christmas Adventure
by Aileen Min

Craft Your Own Christmas Tale with Familiar Friends and Songs!

Muffin came to stay
by lutasor


Cover art

Jetpack to the Moon!
by Sidney Munroe

An adventure about a lost jetpack and helpful penguins who can talk.

Super Mario Bros 1-1
by GRM

A small tribute to Super Mario. A very bad one.

by Alexis Guzman

A story of a dog and his life, designed for children to form an active discussion around difficult situations while creating agency and building vocabulary.

The Thing Beyond the Window
by AA

The story of a ghost, that misunderstood something, so haunts the narrator,

Cover art

Mission: Babysitter
by SSR

For the child of international super-spies, this babysitter is more than annoying - he's lethal.

My Day
by E.B

first texture story about a day in a school kids day

Doing chores
by Jane Diokpo

Sara does chores.

The Escape
by TK

Zombie survival

1 – 24 out of 35 stories in the Children's genre