Administer Naloxone.
by Gollydrat

revive someone from an opioid OD

Il 900
by #apple teacher Micol Corbini

Breve percorso storico con collegamenti l'acustica, al ritmo ed alle biografie dei principali compositori.

Trabajo en equipo
by Alberto Mora Sánchez

Una manera de identificar los roles con los que los alumnos y alumnas se ven dentro de un hipotético grupo de trabajo.

Cover art

A Lost Masterpiece
by George Egerton

A adaptation of a classic The Yellow Book story, made into a adventure story!

Cover art

Come è nata la musica
by Micol Corbini

Il libro racconta di come è nata la musica.

Cover art

Il Romanticismo
by #apple teacher Micol Corbini

Resoconto articolato sul Romanticismo con collegamenti al canto, alla poesia ed alla figura dell'Imperatrice Elisabetta d'Austria.

Cover art

Quidquid agis prudenter agas et respice finem
by Isa

Ein Witz über Heirat von Martial (XI, 10)

Ex 5: Future Text
by Stephen Dumnich

This is a interactive story about how I came around to finishing a project for my Media and Culture class, History of the book. The plot resembles the movie memento where everything is reversed.

Muffin came to stay
by lutasor


Cover art

Burnt Toast: A Cautionary Tale
by Diana, your trusty Safety Manager

This is an attempt to make fire safety training more interesting.

Le nuove tecnologie
by #apple teacher Micol Corbini

Le nuove frontiere tecnologiche in ambito musicale

by Alexis Guzman

A story of a dog and his life, designed for children to form an active discussion around difficult situations while creating agency and building vocabulary.

1 – 24 out of 52 stories in the Educational genre