Cover art

Battle of the Businesses
by Dararrtu Abdullahi

This is a competitive game about two business owners that are approached by a marketing firm, but only one can be chosen to be represented. We learn about the nature of rivalry through our passions.

Drive-Thru Daydreams
by Matt

Really is just a run-of-the-mill day.

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Race to 30
by Mihika Agarwal

You yearn to be 30 and have your life together—a career, a husband, and a home. But first, you must navigate a difficult set of decisions and make it through your 20s...

Cover art

"What did you do..." (That wasn't a question)
by Sophia D.

Your mom is expecting an answer. Unfortunately, you're a recipe for disaster.

Summer 2019
by Evan

Getting over the human version of heroin.

Cover art

Are You Sure?
by Janos Honkonen

A piece of interactive fiction created for the NarraScope 2020 Game Jam. It's a story about a relationship, an uninvited guest and a very confusing morning. (Cover: Fred Dawson, CC-BY-NC-ND 2.0)

PSY2220 Class Case Study
by Professor Celeste Sangiorgio

This interactive text story simulates a first-appointment therapist interview with a family and child. Hover text to investigate patient statements further.

Books are for Rainy Days
by A/Z.

I hate the rain, and I'm sure you do too! And books, they are perfect for these occasions.

49 – 63 out of 63 stories in the Slice of Life genre