Cover art

Black Rock City
by Jim Munroe

You're at Burning Man, with six choices to make before the world goes white. Choose wisely. Or wildly. The dust storm won't care. (Cover: Trish Lamanna)

Cover art

Nadia's Late
by Jim Munroe

Being human all the time is boring.

Cover art

Pretty Sure
by Jim Munroe

After the Partnership with the offworlders takes place, many things on Earth get a lot easier. Parenting is not one of them. (Cover: Jonathan Wyke)

Cover art

Data Doesn't Lie
by Jim Munroe with illustrations by Luc Allenet de Ribemont

You study samples under your microscraper. You extract the data. Then -- and only then -- you sleep.

Cover art

Killer Commute
by Jim Munroe

Sometimes it feels like your life is on repeat. (Cover: Aubrey Serr)

Cover art

Spare With Max
by Jim Munroe

It's been a while since you hung out with Max, and he's always got interesting stories. (Cover: E.M. Smith)

Cover art

People Never Look Up
by Jim Munroe

(Cover: Gavin McCarthy) You watch the city wake up from your rooftop perch.

Cover art

Practicing Nonviolent Communication
by Marshall B. Rosenberg

An unauthorized interactive adaptation of some of the exercises in the excellent book Nonviolent Communication by Marshall B. Rosenberg.

Cover art

Jetpack to the Moon!
by Sidney Munroe

An adventure about a lost jetpack and helpful penguins who can talk.

Cover art

Scrapple Sauce
by Jim Munroe

(Cover: Gavin McCarthy) All in a dusty day's work.

10 stories by user jimmunroe