Cover art

The Shadowed Devil of New York
by Michael Winter

Matt Murdock's origin story as daredevil is twisted in all types of ways as a freshly blinded teenager. See which path you get!

Cover art

A Lost Masterpiece
by George Egerton

A adaptation of a classic The Yellow Book story, made into a adventure story!

Cover art

stay lost
by casey james

a story about lesbians and escapism and the suburbs.

Cover art

Il Romanticismo
by #apple teacher Micol Corbini

Resoconto articolato sul Romanticismo con collegamenti al canto, alla poesia ed alla figura dell'Imperatrice Elisabetta d'Austria.

Cover art

A Forgotten World
by Michael Winter

A proof of concept for my second book that I'll have written so far with the title of the same name and the same characters and concepts. It's a story about not being who they've molded you to be.

An Odd Journey
by Zohar Shachak

A game engine subversion experiment, using animation inside of an engine purposed for text.

Super Mario Bros 1-1
by GRM

A small tribute to Super Mario. A very bad one.

Cover art

The Star
by Walker Kennedy

A quick look back to your high-school years, where you last shined.

Cover art

Reality Check
by Connor Whiteside

You are presented with three portals to three different realities. Each one offers a completely different experience where you'll become a different version of yourself. Which one will you choose?

Cover art

Spare With Max
by Jim Munroe

It's been a while since you hung out with Max, and he's always got interesting stories. (Cover: E.M. Smith)

by Five Halves

A short exploration of gender based on Higu Rose's comic "my gender is a triangle"

Cover art

A Dark Wood
by Aidan Glendon

You wake up in the middle of a dark forest, with no visible exit in sight. Can you escape?

Cover art

Burnt Toast: A Cautionary Tale
by Diana, your trusty Safety Manager

This is an attempt to make fire safety training more interesting.

Le nuove tecnologie
by #apple teacher Micol Corbini

Le nuove frontiere tecnologiche in ambito musicale

Cover art

Dragon's Claw
by Pete

This is the story about a student who is addicted to comics, dungeon, and dragons.

Cover art

Il Classicismo
by Micol Corbini

Breve percorso storico sul Romanticismo e con collegamenti alla danza.

73 – 96 out of 486 stories